

In my village, where ever i turn, whenever i find something extraordinary, i could hear the whispers of my fathers name from them. From the houses, bridges, walls, gardens,roadside benches,inn, sewage channels,tricky fishing tools and so on..but it were all shading off as his beard turn more white.
It was a beautiful evening as the leaf dorsal get hold of reddish traces from sinking sun. I saw the skyline like a crazy canvas of a bizarre artist, but how fanciful it is.
Following my soul, I stepped into that olden inn. There were some villagers enjoying the last rays of natural light. I sat in it comfortably feeling so proud of my father. Evening teas from the roadside stall was refreshing everyones mind by mildly sweating out their sorrows. I sat simply in the inn and observed everyone, their happiness on coming here, their comfort when they sit, and their energy when they are aside of it. This old inn is something more precious for them. They are twined with it.It provides shelter,it absorbs grief, it emits happiness,it joins people of all ages,religions and casts . It calls back emigrants to our village. Thus it holds everyone…
                                   Moving fingers through his curly hair,my father stepped towards the inn, one of his masterpiece. I stared at him without blinking my eyes. For the moment I felt little jealousy towards his talents,fantasy towards his works and happiness for being his son.
He extended his hands and asked me some pennies. What??? I shook my mind and searched in my pocket.As I did not take my purse , I was completely blank without even a single coin. He just asked for the same to those people  sitting there. oh my god…is he begging???what a nonsense???Is he begging within the place he built???Cant he go home to have a tea? Why the hell he begs from person to person. Did he turn insane?? I questioned myself and stood answer-less.  Suddenly, one of his old friend gave him 50 Rs and regurgitated their school memories. But my father did not even mind what his friend was happily recollecting from the golden past. He quickly bought some food from the stall and went away. I again asked myself whats just happened??? Hesitant questions of mine forced me to follow my father.I just walked behind him and understood every answers when I saw an old disabled beggar eating food from my fathers hands…I think my lips just obeyed my heart when it said “ my father is a hero.


  1. dedicated to my father who is one of my life's text book.

  2. read more so that youcan write more and more.....

  3. NICE......... :-)

  4. Mindblowing......MUST READ IT....

  5. Good.The the way you told the story is nice. But i am sorry to say that i didn't find the story more interesting than those you normally write in our college magazine.

  6. coongrats pranav!!!
    good start.waiting for next..............
